Those things most surely believed among us … Luke 1:1
- We believe in the infallible verbal inspiration of the whole Bible. II Tim. 3:16
- The Triune God. Matt. 28:19
- The Genesis Account of Creation.
- The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ. Matt.1:20
- The Deity of Jesus Christ.
- His crucifixion and suffering as vicarious and substitutionary.
- The bodily resurrection and ascension of Christ and the bodily resurrection of His saints. I Cor. 15th chapter
- The Second coming of Christ, personal and bodily as the crowning event of this Gentile age. Acts 1:11
- The Bible doctrine of eternal punishment of the finally impenitent. Matt. 25:46
- We also hold in common what real Baptists have ever held: That the Great Commission was given to the churches only. That in kingdom activities the church is the unit and only unit that the churches have, and should exercise equal authority, and responsibility should be met by them according to their several abilities.
- That all coopering bodies such as associations, conventions and their boards or committees, etc. are and properly should be ,the servants of the churches.
- We believe that the Great Commission teaches that there has been a succession of Missionary Baptist Churches from the days of Christ to this day.
- We believe that baptism, to be valid must be administered by a scriptural Baptist Church.