B.L.A.S.T Youth Program

Building. Lives. Around. Scriptural. Truth.

3 John 1:4 “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”

This is a Wednesday night youth program to educate, encourage and excite our young people to learn how to live and serve God. To help build their lives around the word of God. To implement lessons, fellowship and stewardship all in one program. KJV based lessons, games, food and fellowship with other believers to help our young people to grow and mature spiritually.

This is a consistent program that operates every Wednesday evening that is structured for educational and spiritual growth with lessons and topics that the students of the program have a voice in what they would like to learn more about.

September 16, 2023 Blast Workers Luncheon

Youth Outing- Mini Indy Jamestown KY Aug. 26,2022

March 25, 2023 Panama Jack’s Lexington Kentucky

Creation Museum July 29, 2023